Japanese Dough Sheeters or Laminators

The dough sheeters from Japan, one small and the other larger, are designed and made in Japan to make rolling and laminating pastry quick and easy. The dough can be rolled cold, saving time and of a very consistent thickness. The smaller sheeter has a rolling board of 60cm and the larger has one of 90cm making it easy to handle good amounts of laminated dough - or pastry or pasta.

Lightweight and Space-Saving Dough Sheeter
This pair of dough sheeters have been designed to be easy to use and very efficient on space. Both pack away when not in use to give you as much use from your precious bakery space as possible.
Japanese Design and Manufacture
The dough sheeters have been made and designed in Japan with the exquisite levels of attention to detail that you would expect. Neat and easy to use.