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Nut-Brown Malt Flour (Vistamalt Crystal Flour 150)

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From £7.00 £7.00

Nut-brown coloured barley malt flour for nice sweet, Nut-Brown Malt flour (now called Vistamalt Crystal Flour 150) malty flavour and granary bread shade of colour to the loaf. The flour smells lovely and imparts a delicious flavour to your bread.

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Recipes and Guides

Malt Teasers: tips using malt powders, syrups & flours

Malt Teasers: tips using malt powders, syrups & flours
Malt is one of those ingredients that we are familiar with but equally unsure of. Made from grains that have been soaked, left to sprout somewhere warm, then roasted at a low temperature and finally ground, the resulting sweet (almost caramel) powder is used to enhance the rise, crust and crumb colour of breads, and has been used for hundreds of years. The sweetness in malt comes from enzymes ... Read more
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