Roasted Pumpkin Soup - A Halloween Party Warmer

Roasted Pumpkin Soup - A Halloween Party Warmer


Pumpkin bread

one or two pumpkins depending on size (about 1.3kg which should give about a kilo after deseeding and peeling)

1 Large Onion finely sliced

1 clove of garlic crushed

400g Vegetable stock

400g can of Coconut milk

Large pinch of salt Cornish Sea Salt Make it - Fresh and Zesty

Toasted seeds - Pumpkin, Sunflower, Sesame and Poppy 

This soup pairs perfectly with our Pumpkin Bread recipe or works well as a stand alone for whatever bread you have to hand to mop up the last remnants from the bowl after eating.

I like to experiment with different types of pumpkins as they give different results. Some of my favourites are Crown Prince, Turban, Butternut and the Hubbards, both Golden and Blue.

These all have different taste profiles but all give a nutty taste to the soup which I like.

Combining roasted, sauteed and some fresh pumpkin gives you some extra dimensions of pumpkin and a good depth of flavour.

Tramping through the forest and stopping for some soup from the thermos, or serving alongside pumpkin bread for guests, this vibrant soup is comforting to and attractive to look at.


  1. Cut the pumpkin(s) in half, de-seed and peel if necessary. Take half and cut into medium sized chunks, toss in a bit of oil and roast them in the oven in a roasting tray for 30 minutes at 200°C (180°C fan) until coloured and soft.
  2. Cut the remaining pumpkin into strips, keep one piece about the size of your little finger to the side. Then slice the remainder transversely so that they are about 3mm in thickness.
  3. Take a medium sized casserole or saucepan and fry the onion for 3 minutes then add the sliced pumpkin to the onion and fry for about 6 minutes until starting to take colour.
  4. Add the crushed garlic and the vegetable stock. Bring to a gentle simmer, put the lid on and let it cook for 25 - 30 minutes stirring occasionally adding more stock or water if necessary. 
  5. After the pumpkin has softened, add the tin of coconut milk and the roasted pumpkin, then blend using a stick blender (if you don't have a stick blender then just blend in small quantities in a regular blender whilst it's still cool from the coconut milk addition).
  6. Depending on the consistency you may want to add some more water if it is too thick for your liking.
  7. Gently heat the soup through and season to taste with freshly ground pepper and some Cornish Sea Salt- Make it Fresh & Zesty (the lemon and thyme really compliments the soup)
  8. Take the piece of fresh pumpkin and finely grate it into the soup for some added texture and taste.
  9. Scatter some toasted seeds on top and give it a grind of pepper, serve with some pumpkin bread and enjoy. 





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