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Danish-Style Rye Bread

Danish Rye Bread on a platter upon which is a rye loaf and slices
My Danish-Style Rye bread recipe comes from my 22 years living in Copenhagen, where people either bake or buy rye bread for their family every week. Indeed, most Scandinavians eat rye bread daily and the Danes are no exception. Similarly to crispbread (like Ryvita), everyone from little kids to burly men eat what looks like dainty slices of rye bread for their lunch. It wasn’t until I tried ... Read more

How to: Bakers' Percentages & the MyWeigh KD8000 scales

How to: Bakers' Percentages & the MyWeigh KD8000 scales
We're all familiar with recipes that specify flour, water, starter etc in grams, ounces, cups or spoons. But what if you want to make the recipe a little - or a lot - larger? Doubling a recipe using mental arithmetic is usually easy enough, but can still lead to annoying mistakes (at least, in my experience!). However, increasing the original recipe by a more complicated amount, such as 3.75 times ... Read more

Panibois cases customised with your company name

Panibois cases customised with your company name
"The branded Panibois boxes really help to carry our strong brand across to our customers. They also make portion control easy, and show off the focaccia at its best advantage."Peter Cook Baker & Founder Peter Cooks Bread  Worcester, England  Images courtesy Peter Cooks Bread You can have your Panibois cases customised with your logo for an additional 3p per case. There are a ... Read more

Christmas Chocolate & Cardamom Twist

Christmas Chocolate & Cardamom Twist
I'm writing this in the run-up to Christmas, and if you're like me, you're probably wondering what to make beyond the usual mince pies and some fantastic loaves of bread: a big ol’ fruit cake, maybe, or a yule log? Perhaps you're also finding that it gets trickier every year to find the right gifts for the budding bakers in your family, or something to hint that you'd be more than happy to ... Read more

USA Pan 9" Pullman Loaf - Basic Recipe

Partially opened Pullman Pan containing unproofed dough
This recipe is designed to fill the 9" USA Pan Pullman pan. Using the quantities below, you have the basis upon which your can alter the recipe to suit you. Getting the quantity just right for a pan with a fitted lid can be a little hit-and-miss depending on the recipe, exact flour used etc. This is a starting point to get pretty close and from here you can adapt it with your choice of flour and ... Read more

Rye crispbread rolls with vegetables & goat’s cheese

Rye crispbread rolls with vegetables & goat’s cheese
Back in 2003 when I was writing my sourdough book "The Handmade Loaf”, I travelled to Sweden to understand rye crispbreads better, making my way to the organic Roslagsbröd bakery. There, huge dimpled rollers were part of a wheel-and-belt old school apparatus – fascinating in its complex Heath Robinson ingenuity – which squished and extruded the sticky grey rye dough into pitted sheets that ... Read more

How to Choose and Use Your Proofing Basket or Banneton

proofing basket or banneton arrangement
Your transition from hobbyist to baking maestro... The rite of passage that signifies the change from happy home baker to budding artisan bread maestro begins perhaps at the moment you start to unwrap the proofing basket or banneton that you finally decided you had to order from BakeryBits. This is the day you start to craft the shape and crust of your bread more finely, and from that point ... Read more
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